What is your inner coach like?

My inner coach took the form of Morgan freeman, encouraging me and telling me I can overcome this

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Inner critic - you only have sex to avoid disappointing her.

Coach - you love sex and are amazing at it

“You can’t stay hard!”

“You’re working on it and you’ll get to it!”

The coach showed a video of me performing in the past and said “look what he can do without you getting in the way.”

And the critical retorted with “yeah but he hasn’t done that for a while”

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Inner coach: We got this. We will win.

Are you sure to risk?

Yeah let’s do this, you rock it

Inner critic said you’d fail. Inner coach has my back , not this time brother , this time we succeed.

Inner critic: why can’t you do this?

Inner coach: you won’t do this while you’re questioning yourself. Think about her

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Mostly felt.
Inner critic puts sternum down and the inner coach opens it up!

Inner critic: next time you will have sex it will go flat

Inner coach: next time you will have sex it will be just fine

My inner critic visualised is an an amalgamation of all my insecurities accentuated. My inner coach, my potential gains.

Critic: I’m not the strong, dominant, alpha male that she repeatedly expresses needing in order to satisfy her and make her orgasm. Coach: With self work and consistent safety and security in the relationship, I absolutely can be the firm, confident, and rough lover that she says she needs during certain sexual encounters.

Critic (old nagging woman): “bad boy” (basically); Coach (male, deep voice): he’s not bad, and not a boy; take a view from above, note the bigger picture

Critic: You are too hooked on porn to get it up without it.
Coach: just keep working on it. It will come in time

Critic: (talk to me next to my ear) check your penis, you are getting soft again in the sex.
Inner coach: you’re doing good, don’t ever listen to him, I’m there for you to fight that inner critic.

I. Critic said: you can try… but it can happen again… not get hard… last time you couldn’t.
I.Coach said: "You can do it… you are healthy.no physical problems. you normally do work out… you are healthy…

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Critic Remember how frustrated you felt when you couldn’t keep going sure you want to feel the same way?
Coach remember how good it feels good sex it’s worth it to go for it

Inner coach told me I’ve been hard before and I can do it again easily and without effort. Made me feel like a top bloke. Inner critic started to shy away, although still muttering his critiques. Will take practice, but it’s good, and works.

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You are great and you fine don’t worry

The inner coach told me that I’m just fine and will in no time regain my confidence

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