What is your inner coach like?

My inner coach side I’ve been hard once before why not again

You’ve got this and you’re great at having sex

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Inner critic, remember last time, it could happen again?
Inner coach. Or, it might not, it’s been great plenty of times more than not, and can be again.


The inner critic really rattled through the points but selected you’ll disappoint her as the main one, which the coach ended that I hadn’t so far, even with the issues and with understanding the situation

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My inner critic was more of a feeling of in confidence than a voice. It implied that I do not have much control and there is a definite ceiling on my sexual performance. It also implied that whenever I have sex, I will always overthink it and be separate from sensation. My inner coach said I’ll be ok and that he had similar experiences at my age, but he’s confident that, like him, I’ll go onto be great one day. He was confident and assured in his advice and filled me with hope.

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I’ve always been very hard on myself. In some cases this motivates me to become better. However when my inner critic appears my being tough on myself becomes toxic. I put myself down instead of being my own biggest supporter. I am definitely working on having positive thoughts in my head, supporting myself. I find I can do this well when working out - I give myself a fist pump and know I can push through the workout. I’m hoping I can translate a similar positive mindset to sex.

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My inner coach said I am good at sex and have decades of great sex. And the inner critic isn’t going to master me.

The inner critic wants to remind me the last time I git softcand said it would happen again.

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My inner coach said I’ve had great sex before, and I can do it again. My inner critic said no, I’m broken now. My inner coach said I’m not broken, and even if I am, I can pick up the pieces. He told me to “act as if.”

My inner critic said that I’ve never been interested in sex since the birth of our child three decades ago.
My inner coach said it doesn’t have to remain that way and although change is difficult after so long if I keep progressing through this programme things can only improve :heart:

My inner critic was saying “don’t invite a girl back to your room you’re setting yourself up for failure”
My inner Coach was saying “why would you tell him that and what benefit you have of talking him out of positive experiences? He’s been able to perform several times in the past.
If he has a good experience
with a woman, then everybody’s happy.

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My inner critic says if you don’t hurry up and get hard, she’ll be disappointed again. My inner coach said there’s no reason to hurry, it’s a weird, silly limitation, and I’ve gotten hard plenty of times before, and there’s no reason I can’t now.

It said you shouldn’t even try to satisfy her you’ll not last long enough to pleasure her

It gave me a feeling of dread

It said your libido might not be back when it’s time for sex and then what are you gonna do? The coach told me not to worry, when you relax things happen naturally and it’s this inner worrying voice that’s putting a dampener on things. There is still so much opportunity for progress and improvement and great sexual experiences

What if you cant get hard? What if you cant cum and just end up going and going until your are tired and lose your erection. What if she doesnt get into it? What if she thinks its gross and youre old
I am who I am. I can try and succeed. She will probably be into it and enjoy it. I will stay hard

You are normal, there is no reason.

The critic said you’re gonna get soft like last time and the coach said I’m going to just focus on the fun physical connection between us and just enjoy that

The inner coach told me, “you got this. No need to rush, this is your experience to have and enjoy”

Critic tells me I won’t get the condom on in time. Coach tells me I a have the hardest dick and I can do whatever I want to do

Inner critic: you won’t be able to do this and she’ll be disappointed again
Inner coach: don’t listen, you’ve done this before loads of times and it’s been fine

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