What is your inner coach like?

Critic: brought back memories of “failure” to set me up for future failures.

Coach: reminded me that I’m not alone, and that I’ve shown progress. Comunication and couple supoort are key, and I have those.

Critic: He showed memories and images of failure during sex, and reminded me that I couldnt enjoy sex, that I cannot get hard enough, that she will be dissapointed again.

Coach: Reminded me that he trust in me, that Im capable and showed me images of me having good sex and enjoying, reminded me that Im capable of performing and having erections since I had multiple times

It helped fleetingly notice difference between good an d bad thoughts but was pretty good

Inner critic almost caused a physical sensation and focused on notions of failure. The inner coach reminded me of the gradual progress I’ve made and fun I’ve had.

Inner critic made me feel the feeling of losing an erection and said “you’re not attracted to her”. Inner coach said “you’ve been imagining this for weeks and she wants you so badly, nice man”

Said I would take things too far and the coach said we understand boundaries and trust better now

It should me a picture of the first time i couldn’t get it up so my coach put in my head the best sex i ever had and said it won’t always be like this it’s just that one time it’s banking on putting you down with

Inner critic said your not attracted to her and now your going soft because your over thinking it, inner coach said you are it’s just your critics been the only one here to tell you that since now, but now that I’m hear to tell you you are attracted to her and it’s just the critic trying to convince you you weren’t

Inner critic questioned what I thought was gonna happen without an erection, and made me feel as if I was going to be an embarrassment to myself, my partner, and society in general. Inner coach said to just relax, be present, have fun. His words brought my sexual experience back to an intimate scale and allowed me to feel free to have a nice experience.

Inner coach had my back. The inner critic is more a feeling in my stomach and throat, but the inner coach made it go away

My inner critic has the face and voice of my wife. This will challenging to overcome, I am up for it and will soften the inner critic.

The inner critic gave me a anxious sensation in my chest. Even though I wasn’t 100% on the conversation going back and forth. Imagine someone there who had my back and wanted me to do well made that sensation go away and I felt more relaxed

The inner critic gives me anxious sensations in my chest. But my inner coach comes from my brain and refutes its points with affirmations that I am not defined by my struggles in the bedroom, and that I have support from my partner to grow more confident.

My inner critic told me that I am empty and hollow. My inner coach reminded me that I am full of love and compassion.

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I imagined my inner critic to be a disgusting fat version of myself, and my inner coach to be the sporty guy from lazytown. Now in my head imagine the camera panning between the two when they talk to each other

My inner critic try to tell me all things I can’t or won’t do because of the obstacles I’ve faced recently but my coach used facts to shut that down. And he’s right I am on control and there’s nothing to be scared or worry about. I just have to be present and in the moment and not spectator myself that’s not what intimacy or sex is about, it’s about enjoying one another bodies and feeling good!

My inner critic always seems to numb me as I start to hyper focus on my erection when sex starts, then I feel a bit numb, like the sex had less physical sensation. Then my inner critic tells me that this isn’t going to work and start to get frustrated at things and I go partially soft so penetration sex won’t work.
The inner coach joins a little late, but it just tells the inner critic to shut up and tries to silence the inner critic.
I’m so used to only having an inner critic that the coach is trying to figure things out and gain a louder and more powerful voice.

Inner critic was for me like dark clouds that brought doubt and insecurity reminding me I could lose my erection. My inner coach reminded me I am capable of having and keeping my erection, that whenever I’ve been able to get out of my own head I have been able to simply enjoy sex and my body has worked with me and not against me. My inner coach kept telling me I am able, I have the control, not the inner critic

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She said that a voice telling me I shouldn’t fly too high is limited by its own ideas — that I should drop it, and that it was so small I wouldn’t even see it in my future map.

I need to not worry about anything or anyone else before sex.