What do you think about pelvic floor exercises?

I’ve done these before and I think this is one of my main issues with control. I definitely haven’t been taking belly breaths as much as I should…

I think they do work well if you maintain them daily, however they have not strengthened my erection or stopped my PE. Also my hardness has not improved


Needs more diagnostic tests regarding whether the muscles are too tight or not strong enough. Especially given the warnings earlier. Need a way of measuring them. And how do these relate to the reverse kegels?
Apart from that I have always enjoyed doing the pulses, but always found it hard to relax most parts of my body and I suspect it is the same here.

I enjoy them. It feels like working out :muscle::sweat_smile:

I’d like more video demonstration of the reverse kegel and also a wait to benchmark/check progress

Agree with comments on how to assess if I am doing exercises correctly.

I’m excited to see how these work over time

I love weight lifting so I’m excited to have a program for my erection strength and climax control!

It’s ok. Some of the exercises are hard to follow using the app and doing it by myself. I think it would be more helpful to do with a coach or partner to see if I’m doing it right.

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I think these are great, because you hear connected breathing is important but now you feel it’s connection to the groin.

They seem a little off but I am willing to try anything at this point. I am a pretty active person so I don’t think this is the issue but I am going to continue doing them.

I actually feel pretty good. I’ve been trying to stretch more overall due to some back tightness and I feel this really helps. The exercises at least made me feel a little better every time I could feel the muscle tighten too

Seems good so far

The videos do not work…

How effective are they? Can you do them more than once a day? Did they improve erections drastically?

A good set of stretches and exercises. Like others, I thought the series was going to help me determine if I’m too tight or too out of shape. I suppose by doing both stretches and exercises it will help with both as well as make me more aware of what’s going on with that muscle group.

Its new ti me , I dont mind them, its ok, and sometimes when i put a lit of effort, I guess, it feels like internal ticklish not unpleasant,
What is that!?

I have a hard time building a mind-muscle connection. It’s also difficult to keep the other muscles, especially the abs, relaxed while tightening the pelvic floor.

Doing this but when anxiety strikes the boner goes away no matter what