To what extent are sexual fantasies part of your life and relationships?

My girlfriend knows about my fantasies and reacted positively to the general concept, but we’re still in the early stages of exploring how to work then in.

I’m not 100% sure what I fantasize about. I want to unblock that side of myself.

I’m open to share my fantasies and I have done it in the past. In some previous relationships, sharing my fantasy of wanting to sleep with other women didn’t help the relationship (even though for me it was clear that my partners at the time were the ones I wanted to be with) nowadays I am exploring the dating world and since I don’t have a monogamous commitment with any of the women I am going out, I can safely share all my fantasies. I feel better when I do, and I feel it improves my sex life.

I can have bisexual fantasies and this is something I haven’t told anyone.

I feel like purposeful fantasies would make me unhappy with my partner and/or make me want to cheat. Still not sure how I feel about this or if I’ll use it

I do fantasise- who doesn’t! I like the idea of specifically banking stuff and using it when you need it. I really like my partner and I want to use it to fantasise about her more often.

I would love to learn my partners fantasies

Coming from a religious background has years of a shame culture about sex & sexual thoughts.
Once married, it’s a little traumatic telling your body no no no & now it’s ok is something we would work through & discuss.
I’m also now working on getting more in tune with my body rather than shutting it down.
I think, understanding how negative thoughts about sex can be detrimental to sexual wellbeing. Exercising your likes/dislikes is key to understanding what turns you on, which is builds confidence in your mind & body.

I’m very reliant on one specific fantasy about my partner which isn’t very realistic and would even be dangerous for her long term. Not only could I therefore never tell her about it but I’m ashamed of it and find myself feeling like shit for using that fantasy-even if it turns me on. Very contradicting stuff for my mind and body and probably the biggest reason for my erection issues and performance anxiety.

My sexual fantasies are a big part of my life but sharing them with a girlfriend is always something I try to ease into it not to mention nervous about. When it doesn’t work I can feel frustrated that she doesn’t share my fantasies and that can have a negative impact on my arousal. Maybe then it isn’t such a me thing and just accept it as a difference in what turns us on.

My partner and I haven’t really discussed them.

Ive lived my fantasies… But not with wife…

I suppose I have lots of them but without titles to pull them up on demand

My fantasies are usually when I’m watching porn. But lately I have masturbated just thinking about someone and it was very satisfying.N

I don’t watch porn because my imagination is all I need, so sex fantasies are a big part of my life.

To be continued…

Havent dated much / when i do never got to point where i shared any fantasy. Looking for long term partner now and will definitely hope to build erotic bank / share some of them with her / act it out maybe (cause ones i have now they will prob not like lol)

I want to share my fantasies with my partner in order to develop our sex life.
I want to add some fun back in so we can maximise enjoyment and build closeness.

i want to be the Top!

i’ve expressed some fantasies i have to my fiance before, some being… pretending like we’re strangers that barely met at the club and are gonna fuck right away… pretending we are on a first date and gonna fuck after the first date… fucking on a hike… etc etc… she thinks it’s funny i have those fantasies but is not mad at all for me having those fantasies. she has expressed that she would like to buy outfits, lingerie, and costumes and stuff soooooo i think she’s well on board with it! what would i like to change? my money, i would like much higher income (which i’m working on) so i can spend a lot of money on sexy clothes, costumes for her and even myself.