If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

Meditation did help me when I was using it to help overcome stress and anxiety at work. The meditations weren’t related to ED though, so I can’t comment on its effectiveness for that. From previous experience though and speaking to my therapist, she couldn’t speak highly enough of apps like Headspace. It would be really interesting to use meditation with a specific focus on ED. Great idea.

I’m hoping for inner peace or a bit more relaxation maybe some more introspection

To reduce my general anxiety, and help improve my day to day life

To interrupt my internal critic during sex

I’ve tried meditation before, and have struggled to make it work, because I thought it was all about clearing your mind completely. I believe I’ll have more success with it using the mindset that thoughts will still come, but I should just observe them for what they are and with clarity.

I’m hoping it can help reduce overthinking when it comes to my relationship

Meditation helps me acknowledge thoughts but not dwell on them.

I suppose I haven’t practiced it too much in the past. I’m pretty new to it. But when I have meditated it has immediately moved me to a place of calm. I’m curious how consistent practice would benefit me.

I’ve never tried meditation. I hope it allows me to deal with stress and anxiety better. It would be nice to escape to a place mentally where I don’t have to perform. Where I can just exist. A place where I can find peace and productive thoughts and tame my inner critic, and find peace.

I have a busy mind and I hope meditation can help me regulate my emotions and lower my stress


I’ve never tried meditation. I guess I’m hoping to learn how to do it, and for it to help me calm myself. I think stress definitely contributes to my issues and I’ve always had trouble managing my emotions once I’ve reached a certain point of emotional stress where I become sad or anxious. Maybe this will help.

I have used meditation to help myself become more confident in my own frame and not feel the need to people please.

Hoping it will reduce my anxiety, improve my sleep, and ultimately improve my performance in bed.

It is hard to focus, but the times it worked, I feel more relaxed.

It’s very calming, I am developing tactics now to cope with anxiety. Also I am mindful of emotions and assess them to be aware of what/why all helpful stuff

Meditation relaxes me

Meditation has allowed to to let thoughts pass without engaging them.

Meditation has helped me not ruminate and dwell on negative things so much. I am so much calmer after a good meditation session.

It quiets my blabbering thoughts and gives me a powerful focus and peace.