If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

I am hoping to take back control of my thoughts. To have power over myself

It has helped me immensely. I’m more focused on the present instead of future worries. I feel more calm and at ease and able to handle stressful situations easier

I‘ve been meditating for many years now. Tried different techniques and would recommend it to everyone except for anxious or depressed episodes. Then you should actually only go for guided meditations and mindfulness exercises. (i‘m a professional meditator and trained mental health coach)

Meditation has helped me see how pervasive my inner critic is: especially around my body, the way I hold myself and in pre-empting what it thinks other people will think of me. Before meditation, I would try and push it down and away which resulted in generalised anxiety.

Meditation has helped me better into better moods.

I’ll give it a try

I want to be able to put myself back into what’s happening between her and me. And to not be focused on what I’m trying to accomplish with my body.
Also to get my body to relax. I usually get really tensed up, emotionally and mentally.

Calm my body

Meditation has helped me calm the flow of my thoughts and ignore negative thoughts during sex.

At times it helped me relax, other times it was overwhelming and seemed like work. I am hoping this time it will bring me the benefits described before including being more present, controlling my mind, being less distracted, etc.

I’ve never meditated. My mind can’t be “cleared” or calmed and I’m too aware of everything else. With what I have read so far…I’m hoping that that noise becomes, well, less noisy.

Meditation has helped me in the past and I’m looking forward to re-introducing it as part of this program. It mostly helped me find that even when I felt overwhelmed, there was always only a finite number of concerns that I needed to deal with in the present. It also helped me identify real concerns from areas where I was inventing issues (playing the what-if game).

Meditation has helped me regulate my moods and state of being throughout the day as well as help me sleep more peacefully and have better dreams. It’s calmed any anxiety I may have and visualization helps future events that seem to stress me out a bit.

I would like to see this get me more into my body and out of my head.

I have tried it a few times, but I find it difficult to stay focused on the meditation.

I’m new to meditation and I’m hoping to be able to enjoy the moment with my partner and not to overthink every single possibility out of a million that could play out in the bedroom and after.

I want meditation to help me get in the moment.

It has helped me have a more stress free care free kind of mindset through my day. It took regular daily meditation to get there.

i’ve meditated a ton in the past and it’s great! so calming for me and so helpful for getting out of my own head and into the present moment.

I’ve only used meditation when things are super stressful and need to calm my mind to get to sleep. Keen to introduce it more consistently to my life.