Guys with early climax, what's your inner critic like?

You’re not going to satisfy her, you finish too quickly. What’s the point of going on these dates just to embarrass yourself at the end

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Telling me to try and not come too quickly but knowing that this is quite inevitable and before I have the chance to enjoy penetrative sex myself or my boyfriend. My inner critic and fear of coming too quickly means I am not able to enjoy sex as I’m only thinking about how I can last longer, which usually involves trying not to have penetrative sex for as long as possible.

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Telling me to not come too quickly the second I start having sex and telling me I’m not good enough to please a women as much as she wants. I think how I must be things t please her before we have sex to make up for what she is about to experience. It is telling me do the pre work before you can go enjoy yourself. It tells me my enjoyment won’t be long and I trust this inner critic that my joy will be short lived and will have to experience the pain short after of letting someone down. I need my inner critic to step away so I can enjoy myself in its fullest moment


It’s voice that reminds me why I fear which is eyaculating fast


You’re just going to disappoint her again in bed. You just can’t satisfy her. She’ll get bored of you eventually and leave you.

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They’re a bully

They prey on my self consciousness. They tell me I can’t perform or last long enough to satisfy my partner.

It tells me I’m not good enough and won’t last long enough to pleasure my partner

My inner critique will tell me that I won’t last, that I’ll embarrass myself again and that I shouldn’t go on that date because it will lead to this embarrassment again

For me it reinforces that I won’t last long enough.

My inner critic tells me that I need to masturbate or have a few pints before having sex, otherwise I’ll get too aroused and won’t last long enough.

If I don’t have time for these things, as in spontaneous sex, it makes me focus on how long I’m going to last, which stresses me out and results in me not lasting long.


inner critic says i won’t last long

My inner critic has evolved over many years. When younger it stemmed from my thinking I was inadequately sized and that it as “wrong” which led to me shying away from sex as a whole for many many years. My inner critic then was external forces that didn’t let me explore my sexuality as I grew up I let that inner critic shift as I started to have sex and have never been able to last long as my inadequacy in bed and has ruined hook ups, and make me feel like less than my friends and again shy away from sex and the place where sex was a natural outcome. I have performance anxiety before it ever starts

Mine is just a feeling that I will finish to fast again, a worry that it will happen again and that I can’t just enjoy myself because all I’m thinking is you will disappoint them

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Inner critic tells me that I won’t last long enough to please my partner and that I won’t ever be able to do it sober.


My inner critic is me… I’m telling myself that I’m not capable of being good enough partner

She isn’t enjoying it because of me finishing too quickly

Finishing quickly

I just feel disappointed in myself that I can’t please my girlfriend properly because I finish too fas.

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Mine tells me I’m not really masuline enough to be having sex. Because real men don’t struggle with lasting. Real men are able to have control over themselves.