What does your inner critic sound like? (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from https://community.mojo.so/t/what-does-your-inner-critic-sound-like-part-1/2618/10007.

Previous discussions:

  • https://community.mojo.so/t/what-does-your-inner-critic-sound-like-part-1/2618

My inner critic is myself… Things start out really well. The idea of sex and pre sex and even foreplay are all positive for me… It’s when we get moving ng into the actual sex part that… I usually end up kinda talking to myself in a positive manner and say something like, “alright man, you got this”… And if there is any pause or issue in things progressing, my inner critic pops in with something like, “hey, just focus, you’re thinking too much and that’s gunna make you loose it” … That of course heads me down that path… Sometimes my partner will be able to say some things to take me out of my head but I don’t feel like that’s fair on them. At one point or another my inner talk goes from positive to “come on, youre fucking this up again”

It’s difficult to recover from there.

Also, please update the course to point to the new post here.


My inner critics always tells me that I’m going to cum fast always that’s no need of having sex with her that I will embarrass myself again and I can’t control my heartbeat it makes me worry so much because I cum so fast sometimes without penetration. My inner critic also makes me avoid having sex with a new girl it tells me that she will know also how a loser I’m when I cum fast again. I’m not really confident in anyway when my inner critic takes in charge and I start to worry a lot when a girl tells me that she is going to come visit so that we can have sex


My inner critic is myself.
I grew up so skinny, without appetite and to many i was weak the idea got into my head that I am a less of man and sex needs fit strong men for a woman to be satisfied in sex (orgasm)
Every time i get the opportunity to have sex those words come into my head that i wont satisfy her
That is my inner critic


My inner critic is myself. I have always been taught that sex is wrong except in marriage, and although I am happily married, I worry about having been unfaithful in the past, before marriage! I worry about this and try to avoid the situation where I have to have sex as I know I have trouble getting an erection! And so the cycle goes on!


An asshole

Am asshole version of myself that won’t let my experience the moment without getting my own. Constinantly afraid of not being good enough or embarrassing myself


My inner critic thinks of the worst outcome. Living In the future that does not have a good result leads to the outcome of here and now. Instead of focusing on the beautiful lady in front of me, I focus on me with a limiting belief when I know that in the right mindset there are no problems at all. There is no reason why I have a negative mindset. It is proven in the past that my sexual drive is very healthy and enjoyable by both me and my ladies in the past. I am capable of satisfying my woman and myself! I must believe!


It’s myself worrying that I’ll cum to fast. Or sometimes if I’m pleasing her or doing something right.

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Confident that I will fail.
Tella me to hurry up before it goes wrong.


I’ll believe it my subconscious mind, overruling my actual actions

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My inner critic is myself… As soon as sex is mentioned it creeps up and instantly makes me think i’m not going to perform or i’ll ejaculate too quickly. From there it normally goes wrong and my partner can tell i’m not in the moment.

Even if that doesn’t happen and we get to sex, it creeps up and keeps asking if you’re hard enough or if you’re going to cum too quickly - its just a constant battle.


My inner critic is dark and persistent force deep within my mind. Once it takes over I can’t seem to make it go away. I think it’s goal is to make me feel small and ashamed. It’s the voice that has been there my whole life telling me I’m not good enough and will never achieve my dreams.

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my inner critic is myself knowing i’ve been hooked on PMO since a teenager that has made it hard to enjoy the natural intimacy when i’m with my current partner. already this thought makes me worry before and during sex and the voice in my head telling me i can’t or won’t be able to perform. the inner critic is so harsh and unforgiving. my desire is to change my inner critic to become an encourager and friend

Remember Night at the Roxbury? My inner critic feels like that. I’m one brother and the other brother is trying to cheer my on but really just getting in the way and distracting me. Like standing over my shoulder while I’m in the act saying “come on man, you were doing great, find that again. Where did it go? You have to get back up!”

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My inner voice is me whispering I can’t do it well

My inner critics always tells me that I’m going to cum fast always that’s no need of having sex with her that I will embarrass myself again and I can’t control my heartbeat it makes me Worry so much because I cum so fast sometimes without penetration.
My inner critic also makes me avoid having sex with a new girl it tells me that she will know also how a loser
I’m when I cum fast again. I’m not really confident in anyway when my inner critic takes in charge and I start to worry a lot when a girl tells me that she is going to come visit so that we can have sex

My inner critic is myself. I have always feared sex before commitment and getting unplanned kids.
Having had sex later in my life; i always had the fear of coming off as not being so experienced and hence not satisfying my Partner.
I panick just before penetration and during foreplay all I think about is.my erection…My erection becomes flaccid or when my Partner says I missed it ( which normally you just reposition hits me different) I feel bad and become flaccid. And feel very anxious with heart thumping and sometimes feels hot than it actually is.

If I manage penetration then I get premature ejaculation and embarrassment which isn’t the case during masterbation.

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An asshole. It’s me telling myself I can’t and won’t be able to. I then tell myself I can and my performance gets worse. It then become a downward cycle of I told you so, you can’t do this and any sexual activity is then done.

The inner critic is myself. I find myself becoming hyper-fixated on it and it becomes an self fulfilling prophecy. It shouts about inadequacy and shame. I noticed that there are times were I do become erect but as soon as this happens it says “don’t lose it”. This adds pressure, takes away any enjoyment, and causes me to lose it. I just find that I am so lost in my own head.