I talk about it from time to time
We are quite open about it. My partner knows I use this app and that I have a routine to go off and use this app. It works well having the openess because we know it will benefit both of us in the long term.
For a long time I not discussed it with my last partners and I did see the relationship suffer because of it, and honestly, not talking about it has probably caused the barriers I have today preventing me getting close to anyone these days and looking back there has been missed opportunities.
I know for a fact when I am uncomfortable I definitely defect. Lately, I do feel more in a position to discuss this with a potential interest as I do believe I am coming to terms and accepting that ‘I am enough’.
I am feeling more positive about myself and all of my perfections. This in itself is empowering me to be more open to discussing my needs and what that might look like in a casual or a more long-term setting.
I’m in a new relationship and I signposted that I have anxiety issues around sex before we ever did any heavy fooling around. And we’ve since handled it quite easefully and intimately when I’ve not been able to get it up, and talked about it. I guess I’m now leaning more towards whether we should talk about it in a way that allows a little more exploration around how we want to do pleasure if I’m not able to get it up.
I’m new in a relationship and have told my gf that I may be nervous and wanted to try and explained thing to do to ease the stress
Semi comfortable and semi embarrassed. I get how pre tempting the convo helps and will get up the guts to discuss it
I have become much more open and direct about my status with people. I’m dating early on in the process, and I feel it has lifted a weight off my shoulders.
It´s very damn hard. I get confused and preety stupid
Still embarrassed, but I’m determined to get good at it!
Im getting better about it and I feel betteraboutnit afterwards
I share it openly but not yet with confidence. I feel ashamed and as if I am letting my partner down. But I am working towards acceptance and self-confidencede
I think I have to stop acting like it’s this huge weight, make it clear that it’s something I have and that I’m dealing with it and experiencing it but in a way where we can still be playful, still be chreky etc
I generally am open to talking about it but i usually blame it on stress so that she isnt offended and it gives me a more “valid” seeming excuse even though i know im just in my own head
Have done it. It’s not the easiest. It went better than planned.
Just started dating again after an LT relationship, had a good conversation with a woman after 3 dates, and it really opened things up, and she put in more effort to make sure I could enjoy things. Amazing!
I want her to understand and be supportive. If I get that (which I think I have) that would be great
Was a lot for her to digest, but she wasn’t bothered about the problem she was more than happy to help me through it and to work with me, she was more bothered I’ve kept it a secret for so long
this is exactly what i’d needed. instead of feeling shame and trying hard to hide it at all cost, just … own it and give myself and my partner a chance to work with it and make the best out of it.
i’ll try to incorporate this going forward, it just sounds so much more fun - even if hard at first
I really struggle to talk about my PE with my wife, it’s not something that’s always been an issue and I don’t think she minds too much but we sort of laugh it off and move on, it’s not great. I think reframing with “I” is helpful whatever is getting talked about though!
I just feel inadequate if i would have to tell someone i can’t get it up. I just feel judged eventhought they dont say it. I think it and its completely unreasonable