I will know how to boost energy and focus with circle breath after this exercise.
I’ll start developing and understanding and skills for regulating my breathing for focus as well as relaxation.
I will overcome performance anxiety
I will attempt this with an open mind
I will feel more focused after circle breath
I will deal with my performance anxiety!
Get energized
I will keep going!
I will fix this
I will figure this out and keep trying
I will try finding a calm mind
I will keep pushing forward no matter what
I will find the off switch for my mind again. I am in control.
I will do myself justice and commit to practising this circle breath work exercise.
I will explore a new avenue of breath control with curiosity
I will learn a new technique to help me focus in everyday life and thus aid my overall balance
I will erase my performance anxiety
No overthinking no fear no insecurity. Just confidence and enjoyment
I will calm my anxieties to feel relaxed and focused
Feel nice