What does your inner critic sound like? (Part 4)

Not visual, it’s my own thoughts and worries, but makes me feel anxious and nervous that I won’t be able to perform and will be judged for it. There’s also the worry that she’ll think it is because of her rather than it being because of my own anxieties / issues

There is no visualization or voice, my body starts to feel anxious and starts to go into lock down, then it’s a downward spiral.

I have aphantasia and can’t visualize. How ever I felt anxious and the doubt creeping in about whether or not I’d be able to perform

Only my Voice, telling me this won’t work, you know you’ll somehow mess it up. You can’t ever do anything right.

My inner critic has major stage fright, and consistently thinks the worst of any situation, will happen. In which it almost manifests things that occur, atleast that is in my mind.

My inner critic is my voice, constantly telling me that I will have a hard time staying hard after my initial erection, which will disappoint my spouse and make them doubt themselves,


It’s my own voice.

My own voice mocking me

My inner critic associates sex with rejection. Even though I’ve heard good things… I just feel sex equals vulnerability and with vulnerability comes rejection. Started after my first GF broke up with me the day after we had sex 6x (the two weren’t related)

my inner critic is my s/o making fun of me or being disappointed in me for not being able to have sex or get/stay hard.

I hold myself to impossible standards which actually makes me feel like I perform worse than others that I compare myself to sexually.

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It’s just the inner me, the one I suppress outwardly to friends and peers but I usually recognise as somebody just picking the wholes in my personality flaws

My inner critic is just me, but just saying “oh tonight you won’t be able to preform with her or stay hard” or “she’s gonna be disappointed when u can’t get hard again” basically me telling myself I can’t

Definitely nothing visual - just the weight of expectations and evaluating performance as though it’s a test to be aced.

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Inner critic is the one that comes back after instances where I haven’t been able to perform and thinking it’s coming again right before sex

My inner critic is a mixture of the previous times I’ve had issues in bed and myself amplifying and focusing on these feelings, making me forget the rest of the times it has worked well


A dark pit

Something that completely takes away my confidence and self esteem

The inner voice was saying me you cant keep it up through out your sex, you will fail