Identifying the inner critic during soft penis pleasuring (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from

Previous discussions:


I got hard both times I tried. Not fully hard, I avoided it but I couldn’t keep touching it if I didn’t want to let it get fully hard

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My inner critic was surprisingly nice to me.

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Yeah he was actually very comfortable with me, and I was comfortable with him and it did feel goofy and I laughed out loud. Especially at the end when I had to speak my affirmations out loud. Is it suppose to be kind of exciting?

Why are you so small when soft? You can’t let anyone see you like this! Why can feel your small penis retracting even now??

I was interested how I didn’t get hard at all

My inner critic kept talking about the size of penis. Like any man, I’ve always been self conscious and embarrassed. But I don’t need to be. My penis is beautiful and it’s mine.

It made me feel like worried why it’s so small it make me be surprised when it was waking up a little

I didn’t hear an internal voice but got really overwhelmed seeing my penis

Inner critic talked about the size and how it wouldn’t be enough

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Inner critic kept telling me I should be getting hard, even though that’s not the point of the exercise

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My inner critic didn’t say anything, but i questioned my performance anxiety because i actually think my penis, even soft, is kinda pretty looking. This is coming from a person that rarely says anything good about themselves

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Just a spectator feeling, like asking will I stay soft, get hard, or semi-hard during the exercise. Like the critic wants the answer immediately.

I don’t think my inner critic came out all that much, but I definitely was spectating my penis, judging it in a not great way

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Not sure how much of my inner critic was there but definitely helped me feel like I was capable of an erection

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Honestly felt nice, kind of lost myself though, just imagining things and i ended up getting hard. Still was a good exercise, gave my penis a fist bump after too hahaha.

It made me think about not performing with someone I’m in love with but haven’t yet had a sexual experience with

I kept getting a semi and paused until it went away. I feel comfortable with my penis. No insecurity about it.

I think the knowledge that I wasn’t supposed to get hard during the activity made it more difficult to stay soft. Go figure.


Kept getting semi as was quite relaxed

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