Identifying the inner critic during soft penis pleasuring (Part 2)

Want to go through the exercise again to feel the stress go away. Am at a bar so was unable to do the full exercise but wanted to hear it.

The voice will sometimes pop in and it will prevent me from getting fully hard. If I try and work against it then my erection gets harder and harder to maintain until I lose it.

I’d mindfully masterbated before the doing the exercises. I got hard during the exercise and was very impressed that I was able to get hard again so shortly after. Very proud of my penis

Was very happy I got hard . It was unexpected.

The exercise was surprisingly relaxing. Without the expectation to get hard, the pressure was off

Got hard super fast

Was comfortable with my penis but did not get an erection at all

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I was very comfortable. The fact that I wasn’t expected to get hard was comforting. But guess what? I got very hard! I guess I’m killing my inner critic one exercise at a time

Wasn’t really sure if I was supposed to stroke myself or just play with it. Instructions was unclear and I went with the latter and unsurprisingly it stayed soft almost the entire time. Only managed a semi-erection very briefly, since I was confused as to the objective of this exercise. I thought I was supposed to keep it soft and explore it in a soft state? Again, instructions were very unclear…

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My inner critic was more… fatalistic I suppose, kind of just repeatedly reminding me of how unfortunate this situation is.

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Made me feel annoyed for having to do this when others have it so easy and it just ‘works’. But brought myself back to exercise.

An exercise that at first seemed silly but I felt completely relaxed and got a semi almost resisting getting hard. Will keep repeating this and not have the wrong thought that my dick has to be rock hard to be considered working

It was relaxing with no expectations. Just feeling and looking at it seemed natural, some inner thoughts but it got better as it went on.

Felt a bit frustrated thatbi have to deal with this while others have it naturally but I’m open to anything


At one point I remember a thought coming into my head that a flaccid penis is often what the other person first feels when they touch it and that gives me anxiety because it should be hard and ready to go before they touch it. The exercise is good to remind yourself that’s not true

Sometimes after I orally please my wife my penis goes soft. That always gives me anxiety. This is helping me realize it’s ok

Literally the same here (only not a wife but a partner). Hope this exercise will help!

I have a good penis. It can really give some pleasure

I was surprised by the fact that I thought I knew what I was looking at. But there a handful of things that I truly had never seen before

My inner critic was like “it’s getting softer and smaller, does touching hands make it softer, this isn’t good, what if this happens again during sex”