What do you think about pelvic floor exercises?

I didn’t know these were for men as well, but make sense. I’m hoping they will help but want to make sure I don’t strain anything. I’ll add them to the routine and keep my fingers crossed that they make a difference. I’m hoping I can access all the relevant bits of these courses in one handy place, so I don’t miss things out.

Seems like it’s worth a try

Feels really good…nice to get into a routine…

They feel right

I’ve already been doing most of the stretches for some time, but I found the exercises to be helpful. I’ve never really focused on that area so I feel more connected with my pelvic floor and body overall.

I feel like this will help, the breathing especially. I already feel better about myself

I started yoga months ago which made these workouts easy

Will do to improve!!!

Felt good, I can feel looser.

I’m still not entirely sure where my pelvic floor is but keen to give these exercises a go

I’ve tried them in the past just off and on, never dedicated to them. It’s a very odd feeling to me… they can almost make me feel a bit queasy? But not? Uncomfortable is probably a better word.

I can clench and do normal kegals fine, as well as the stretches, but I’m still figuring out reverse kegals. I am noticing a small change after 2 weeks though.


I’ve been doing pelvic floor exercises daily for about 6 months now. They’ve made a world of difference, particularly learning reverse kegels and learning to relax with my pelvic floor. I tighten up naturally or try to force my cum out… these are a great way to relax into pleasure.

I’ve tried these before, so I’m familiar with the muscles — but in this exercise, with this support, I found myself more aware and in tune

I do a lot of yoga (which covers all of the exercises regularly) so going to assume my issues are related to pelvic floor tightness - will give the strengthening exercises a go

I’ve heard of pelvic floor exercises outside of Mojo, so I feel like it’s a legit thing. I’m excited to see what kind of results they will bring over an extended period of time.

I would like a better description of what it should feel like stretching out lifting the pelvic floor. I’m still not sure I’m doing it correctly.

Never done the reverse kedgel.
How to be sure I am doing them correctly.

I am unsure, perhaps with more time I will notice a change or something. At the very least I feel more connected to my body.