What do you think about pelvic floor exercises?

I’m still not sure if I’m doing the Kegels correctly. You really do need a video to show us as the written instructions are confusing.

Agree with others that it would be good to have a way to assess where we currently stand and how much strengthening or flexibility we need or not

I believe it works.

A bit weird but let’s see

I believe kegels have already started helping after only a week. Not quite convinced with the stretching but I’ll give it a try.

Encouraging. Quite a bit of blood flow and energy to my groin.

First time doing it. I wasn’t sure about the kegels but I enjoyed the pulsing and holding of the exercises. Seemed like a challenge that hopefully will get better over time

The reverse kegals feel like I’m pushing for a poo. I can’t quite understand if I’m doing them correctly. Also, a video showing how to kegal would be useful


I think I’m doing it right. I got an erection and tried to do a kegel and it made me harder/bigger for the few seconds I was holding the contraction. For those of you wondering if you’re doing it right, perhaps that’s a way to check? Makes sense to me since the muscle should put more pressure and squeeze the blood into the penis harder.

Can anyone more familiar with the concept/anatomy confirm this?

Very excited to see the result

It definitely helps if you stick to a consistent routine

I’ve known about kegel exercises and the pelvic floor for a while, I’m an exercise science major, but didn’t think to work them like everyday muscles you work at the gym.

I’ve been doing them off and on for a few years now. I definitely notice that my orgasms are stronger and my cum shoots further, the stronger my pelvic floor is.

If the penile muscles go that deep within me then working those muscles can really develop my control and performance. Can wait to see how I’m transformed.

Exercises were good. Felt tight. It would be good to have the hold examples in video

Just hope I’m clenching the right muscles! Stretches are good but i find the last one quite tricky.

I am new to this type of exercise but if every other exercise I’ve ever done is anything to go by, it takes time to figure out the movement. Looking forward to developing close familiarity with these routines and getting the full benefits

Very useful!

It’s been very informative. It’s definitely an area of muscles I’ve never really considered excising. Never noticed just how shallow my breathing is and the need to engage more belly breathing and the need for both stretching and strengthening my pelvic floor. There a way to receive notifications/reminders for exercises through the app linking to the videos and how long to hold/repeat ? Also maybe drawing/diagrams of the pelvic floor might help in identifying it?