What did breath awareness do for you?

My dick feels great rn

feel more relaxed but still have more work to do.

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Feel relaxed

more relaxed


I enjoy the breath work, but found my mind wandering

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Mind wandered in the right direction and ended up hard; Mojo works

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Mind was chaotic prior to starting much more relaxed


The prompts and way the guidance happens during, I’m finding to be a bad distraction, it’s almost like the narrator is trying to be too ASMR and it’s proper rubbing me up the wrong way, there should be a choice between narrators, so you can choose someone you relate with their voice better.

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Yes, I feel relaxed and calm.

Definitely relaxed me

Relaxing but also a challenge with figuring out how to breath correctly through it

Helped to calm the nervous system. Feeling more at peace

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Feeling more relaxed

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It was very peaceful

Felt very calm upon opening my eyes

Very calm.

When I focused on holding and slowly exhaling, it surprised me how calming it was.

Relaxing. Easy to do

Made me a lot more focused on the breath than I usually am when meditating. Also made my pulse slow down eventually
