How do you feel after meditation?

Does your mind or body feel different?

Very sleepy, was drifting away whilst doing so, felt my full body and also each breathe

Feels good, sometimes I wonder if my mind is where it should be but I think that’s normal. I feel relaxed and I just hope I can carry over this feeling into sex with my girl.

Being present in the moment makes time slip by so fast it’s just mind boggling :exploding_head:

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Im feeling calm

I have always wanted to learn to control my breathing, especially when I got out for runs so am happy this is a tactic.

Love this !

My problem is that i can be here and now in multiple places simultaneously, even if im focusing on my breath, my brain keep thinking a million things at the same time, i feel 100% here but im 100% here everywhere at the same moment … cant stop thinking

Relaxed and calm

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Feels present and calm

Very calm

Present and calm

Peaceful and content

Calmer then I was

A bit calmer


At peace with myself


Very calm

Understanding myself