What affirmations work for you?

I know you never wanted to embarrass me. He needed to hear that

-We’ve had a lot of fun
-You may not be the biggest but you stick knock it out the park
-thought about all the satisfied partners
-excited for future fun
-you were uncomfortable/ intimidated in a few past occasions and it’s okay you didn’t get erect

You’re doing good! Don’t panic. Enjoy the moment

It may look ugly to me, but women like it
Being soft is ok, you are healthy and loving yourself
If you think about disappointing her, you won’t enjoy the moment


I think it will work to be positive and see if it works

I like how you listen to my personal desires in special moments.

It’s gunna be ok fella

You’re great and there’s nothing wrong with you, I’ve been the one making things difficult

We are in this together

Sorry i’ve been getting in your way. I trust you.

We’re on the right track.

You focus on you, she wants you! Don’t let me get in the way of you being you & doing what you do! You’re great!

You are perfectly fine and perfect the way you are!

“We’re on the right track”

I never meant to cause you pain, anxiety or shame

I like the idea of teamwork and not viewing your penis as an untrustworthy mate

We got this. We work together. We’ll be fine and everything will be copasetic

You are part of me. You do not intend to embarass me. We can work together. We are in right track.

Yeah… Not entirely sure what my affirmations are just yet… Come back once I’ve got them solidly in stone…