How was trying stop-start for the first time?

This was challenging as I noticed that if I was thinking about stopping I started to worry about losing my erection so then I wanted to cum just to finish it. Ultimately made the 10 min but need to try a new technique next time

I had done this to some degree in the past. It was ok to stop, but I noticed it takes longer to get a good erecti9n going now, but once I get it, I can control and add an extra pump whith a reverse kegel!

I enjoy this out seems to create feeling of control and masculinity

Useful being more aware of my ‘point of no return’ but found that when I was cooling off, I started to lose my erection. Definitely going to keep trying!

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lube helps meal make it realistic

Found that a reverse kegal cools me off great then regular kegal can get me hard and rolling again. Used that with my breath here and huge difference.

Took me a lot longer to get to point of no return than it usually does. Was more aware of sensitivity. Made it to 10 minute mark easily and was rock hard the whole time. Hope this translates

First time I have actually thought about the arousal scale and that I can keep myself hovering around the 5-6 point. Certainly a wakeup call when I jump to 8-9! Calm down little buddy!

Didn’t get near point of no return but did get highly aroused. Lube certainly helped with that

Felt familiar

I couldn’t cum

Not even get erection. Just not a good time.

Watched a video of my girlfriend to get an erection before starting. Don’t know if that’s allowed or not. Had a good time anyway

Took a long time to get going but was able to test the stopping the last couple minutes

Tried this before but never committed to it.
Went ok there managed to stop twice

Didn’t really get fully hard, not sure why

Amazing exercise! Will be sure to practice this every time I jack it now

Practised with a condom and almost lost it in the middle. Chilled out. Remembered that it’s natural to get softer. Then it all came back as normal.

Its new i enjoy it

I’ve done this before so it’s not new to me. I have on many occasions, including this past one, that I reach a point that I stop but it’s a tiny bit too late and I start to ejaculate but I don’t really reach an orgasm. So essentially the crazy sensitivity that I have is reduced significantly and then I can continue masturbating until I orgasm. I don’t know if this is something that can be implemented in bed or not but it kinda works to prolong