How was trying stop-start for the first time?

Scale is crazy glitchy. Used box breath during break


Hard to get aroused

Interesting but I think penis root masturbation feels more useful

I like this more than penis root. I used root to rest as I can’t stay hard with root massage.

But of a slow start to this one, but once I got into it it was great! Didn’t manage the whole 10 mins, got to a point of high arousal and didn’t leave long enough cool time. Struggle to see the use in real life scenario but get over time it will help control arousal… Hopefully.

Been doing start stop pretty much all my life so am sceptical as I obviously still have PE. I did however find using th scale useful.

Scale glitched the hell out. Box breath helped. I didn’t use porn or lube, just light touches.

Kept having to reset and didn’t feel good about preformance today

Nice to know I can get hard without porn, and can get hard again after “losing it.” I thought of recent (and possible future) real life scenarios. It was a confidence boost for sure!

Took a while to get into, but eventually enjoyed it and was able to edge for a while