It’s crazy, it’s like no matter what I can’t get out of my head. I hooked up with this girl last week and came within 1 minute. Was so discouraging and embarrassing. Couldn’t get it off my mind that whole next week.
This week she comes back in to town and we try to hook up and almost the exact same thing happens. She’s understanding it seems, but damn, it sucks.
I can’t figure out why this keeps happening to me. I try to stay in control, breath, stay calm, but damn, it’s like once I reach a point, I can’t control myself. I even stopped way before but I just can’t control myself. I will regroup and keep practicing everything here and hope it gets better. Pray for me 
Don’t worry you are not alone. Wish I had some advice but I’m in the same boat!
Similar boat here.
I had stopped watching porn a week before I started dating this girl (no longer seeing each other) and started to do simple keagle exercises. I started to last a little longer but still faster than 2 min.
One time though, I had learned about the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system in a mojo guide, and it talked about the box breathing method to get into your body and out of your mind. I tried this during sex and I definitely noticed a difference! It was still fast but I was able to reframe in the moment and it seemed to help a bit.
We’re in this together! 
I do agree with you, the 2nd time I actively was trying to think about breathing, which seemed to help. The environment was a little more relaxed but I still count control myself after a minute or 2. I’m to the point where I might try extended pleasure condoms to really see if it’s my mind or the sensations I’m getting.
I hope you figure out your problems as well. If you car any success, definitely share it with us!
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Practice makes you better and in majority of things in life. Let’s just keep preparing ourselves and go in with a better mindset. I feel like we all can make that turn., it’s just so discouraging in the moment and the following days.
Let’s keep trying new techniques and see what works for us!
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It’s good to know we are not alone in these problems. Let’s just keep swinging, keep practicing and create better results. I think having our confidence low in the department isn’t helping us, so let’s just go in with our head held high and create the results we want. This is the mindset I’m trying to adapt
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Practice relaxing your body and box breathing early on, before sex. Be mindful of relaxing your glutes and pelvic floor and deep belly box breathing into the pelvic floor. Deep squats have helped me I think, a bit. Even take a break and do one if possible… Your body should be mostly loose during sex, letting that heightened energy move through you with the breathing… focus on present moment, the intimate connection and the enjoyment of it. Slow things down… most women appreciate this anyway.
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