How does a Kegel feel for you?

What sensations do you notice?

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I literally don’t feel a thing. Not getting it.

I keep trying, but I still do not understand reverse kegels. I’m looking for help, but this app has nothing

i think you need to train kegel some time , when i start kegel (before this app) it was realy hard to do it corectly , now i can do kegel and reverse one give interesting sensation.

did you learn diaphragm breathing, if not i would suggest to put it in practice

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After doing this exercises for a year or more, I know can feel the squeeze of doing a Kegel and the relaxes sensation that comes with the reverse Kegel.

But I’ve been practicing this for more than a year up to every other evening or so.

For long time I couldn’t feel anything

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Felt like drawing everything in from the genitalia

I watched a couple of YouTube videos and those helped immensely to figure it out. For me what helped was go pee and shut of your stream=kegel, and then push it out= reverse kegel. I already knew how to kegel. But that is how I figured out the reverse kegel. Hope this helps and gets you on track.


It’s like your holding your breath for you nether region

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arent you doing a kegel when breathing out during a reverse kegel? are they different exercises?

Kegel and reverse kegels make me paranoid, lol. I can never tell if I’m doing it right. I think I am. So I’m going to keep on keeping on and see where it takes me.

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Can’t quite explain the feeling, but if you think of stopping or cutting off the flow of pee mid stream, then releasing. That’s a kegal

Felt like tensing up your backside and your balls lifting up

Over a year ago I found I could find no sinewy muscles in the root of my penis , underneath my scrotum and between my anus. Treating like gym exercises and taking protein powder, I have built muscle in that area now. I find doing them in the car, especially long boring motorway journeys the best time.


Same muscle that involuntarily contracts during ejaculation

It’s the same feeling I have when holding in pee, or acting on its own during ejaculation (which was a bit of a shock the first time solo orgasmed as no one had told me to expect that muscle doing something, let alone on its own).

Breathing out during reverse legal should just return the pelvic floor from dropped to neutral position.
Kegel is going from neutral position and tightening (raising?) the pelvic floor; it should feel like the opposite direction as the reverse one.

At least, that’s how it feels to me.

Aiming for the contraction between anus and testicles helped create mind muscle connection

Holding in pee is a great way to think about it.

Like stopping a pee