Chain of events

What use to be good. Turned into me only lasting a minute, maybe 2 if I’m lucky. Now I can get it up, but as soon as I get it in, it goes soft. I can’t get it out of my head. Hoping MOJO helps. Anyone else have the same story? Did MOJO help you?


Almost the same. As soon as I try to put it in it goes soft. I can awaken with a nocturnal erection that is hard enough to hammer nails and keep it up for over half an hour. The same with masturbation. It only happens when I attempt sex with a partner. I believe there is something going on in my mind that is a mental block. I just have not yet determined what it is and how to stop it. I know where you are, it is very frustrating.


Yes. I’m glad I’m not the only one. Whats crazy as hell is that I can jerk it hard as a rock. After I ejaculations it’s still hard for several minutes after. But as soon as it goes into my wife, limp. It makes me sad seeing the expression on her face. I know it effects her too. She probably thinks she’s too fat or ugly now. I just keep ensuring her I still love her. I just don’t get it. I can play with her and jerk off but I can’t have sex with her. Frustrating as heck.


Exactly the same for me. Luckily for me, my partner enjoys jerking me off and doing oral, but I’m sure she wants me to penetrate her and last more tah 3 minutes. Using Mojo has defintley helped me, and I’m starting to last longer, but it’s very frustrating. It’s like a cruel joke, I’m rock solid when she’s playing with me, but slowly go soft once we’re having sex.

STICK WITH MOJO. I had exactly the same issue but it is getting so much better. You may have death grip syndrome in addition to performance anxiety. Stick with it, soldier. :slight_smile:

Same here, it’s definitely a mental issue. I’ve been following mojo daily and over the last 2 weeks I have improved, staying harder when I’m inside her for longer. Not long enough to ejaculate though. Luckily she’s very understanding and enjoys getting me off in other ways, but I would really like to make us both a bit happier.