I have been using Mojo since November, and I must say I have found a massive improvement in my sex life with my partner. Well, that was until the last 2 nights. I have not experienced any election issues until the last 2 nights where I got hard but went soft during sex. I feel crap and anxious again, and my partner feels unwanted/unloved/unattractive. Have I peaked too soon thinking things were sorted? Has anyone else experienced issues like this after performance is going well? Does anyone have any advice?
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I had the same thing once or twice with my ex. I could deal with being disappointed but seeing her upset was the worst.
Try to reassure her that it’s not her fault and you’re just battling inner demons. When you start to go soft, take some deep breaths, reassure yourself that you’re in control, remember how much you’re enjoying it and hopefully you’ll be able to push through
Really glad you’ve seen a massive improvement! Remember part of the process is to realize you’re not a machine and you will have “off days” just like anything in life. Don’t let two days throw you off months of improvements.
How do you communicate to your partner about it? Have you talked much?