Will things ever get better?

I’m 20 and just in my first relationship. For over a year i’ve been experiencing low libido but would still jerk off to porn every day (addiction which i’m fighting now but relapsed recently). And i recently got with my first girlfriend (of just over 3 months of now) and I love her very much.
Was very difficult for me at the start because i dealt with so much anxiety and knew i’d never be able to get hard enough to have sex. Have used sildenafil which helps for sex but working on staying hard during non-sex activities. I just want to know if there’s anyone out there that’s fully recovered.
My issue right now is my low libido; i just don’t feel truly horny that much, although i feel it’s gotten a bit better recently. And i can’t maintain an erection during intimacy and i usually take myself out the situation mentally and can’t get hard again.


Work out try supplements like tribulus and eat lots of healthy food avoid processed sugar talk to doctor get blood test

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It’ll get better talk to your girlfriend and use the exercises here (spectatoring, inner critic) to get out of your head. Give it time and stick with it.

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Do you exercise? Strength training creates chemicals that help get you horny.

Hi. Will try some supplements and i’m in good shape with a testosterone level of 13.7 nmol/L so don’t think my hormones or health are the issues.

Hi. Will try some supplements and i’m in good shape with a testosterone level of 13.7 nmol/L so don’t think my hormones or health are the issues

yeah i exercise quite regularly and play a good bit of volleyball. I’m quite healthy so it’s been frustrating not knowing what the issue is. Particularly prior to getting a girlfriend and how it’s persisted


Not tryna alarm you too much here bro but I feel like that is a tad low for your age. It’s not severely low but it defo could be a lot better. You wanna at least try get that up to like 20 if you can. :pray:

Yeah totally man I thought to myself it was on the lower side. I’m being more consistent with the gym and wanting to start exercising more in general (cardio focused). Thing is I’m not even exactly unfit or unhealthy which is annoying