Whatever your relationship status, how do you feel about discussing erection issues or early climax with a partner?

It’s a conversation I need to have with my partner since it’s affecting me badly

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Whenever my penis is not hard. She agrees that it’s OK. We hug it out. Sometimes I finger blast her because she likes to squirt. Sometimes the pressure is there to make her squirt. But ultimately communication with her does alienate the pressure that I should only have sex when I feel ready. She would prefer a hard dick anyways so would wait for me to be ready.

Sometimes we do swing. So it’s in that situation where I would have a pill incase some crazy actioned going to occur

I remember the time I hooked up with this chick at a bar in NY. While walking back to my friends apartment, I told her I’d been on NoFap for months, im prob gonna bust quick. Lmao current me would never think to “expose” myself like that but younger me was naive enough to… fast forward, she was giving me head and it was longer than either of us expected. Not crazy long, but def not quick. When I finally nut, she’s like wow I thought you said you were gonna bust quick. LMAO. Moral of the story, putting out insecurities loosely (I.e. in a no-big-deal tone) can actually take off pressure from performance anxiety

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I would try to get ED out as soon as it makes sense. If she can’t handle me taking a pill if I need it then I don’t want any more stress in my life.

Comfortable I make excuses unfortunately

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Thanks. It’s feeling lighter working thru the exercises. My internal expectations are too high and putting pressure on a situation that is about fun and pleasure. It’s eye opening how much your internal dialogue can throw you off (or boost you up!)

Not something I even admitted to myself or looked into and I’ve had it my whole life. I finally realized I need to address this issue because it’s messed with my confidence all my life, even now with my wife of 11 years i still get the fight or flight response

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This is something I struggled to decide if to bring up. It makes a lot of sense to bring it up but there is still that sense of shame surrounding it

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I’ve discussed it with a few partners but they all seemed to think the answer was viagra. I personally think I would have a brain aneurism before viagra worked for my penis lol. So I gathered that they either weren’t listening or were just trying to bypass all that and get me hard quickly. I don’t like that or them. Hopefully I find someone who I do. Someone who will let me work it out instead of getting butt-hurt in not hurting their butt. Sigh, lol.

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Not comfortable, would make me anxious I think. But will maybe give it a try

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It feels a bit daunting at times but as I’ve been working through these exercises I’m feeling more confident about it. Being able to be vulnerable and open and sharing who I am and what I’m navigating takes more strength than any stereotype of masculinity that devalues these things.

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Glad to hear you’ll give it a try. I completely get the anxiety.

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Again, I feel very comfortable. She’s helped a lot and has been very open to discussing it. I think regardless it’s always going to feel “scary”

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I feel embarrassed. My wife and I have talked about it and I get the sense that she is frustrated with my ED. I’m going to suggest we try sensate focus. Hopefully she’ll be down. I also am seeing my doctor today for an annual physical and will bring up my ED to him. However I’m reluctant to go on meds for ED because I don’t want to have to rely on them whenever I want to have sex. Especially since I can get it up when I masturbate.


ED started 3 years ago. I don’t know if it’s psychological or physical so I’m getting blood work and nerve function checked tomorrow to rule out anything out of the ordinary.
I’m currently 29 years going in 30 but this feels like a curse sometimes. I never in a million years thought this could happen to someone my age. It feels embarrassing and I hate it. I have a long distance partner who adores me. I went on a trip to see her 2 weeks ago and I felt so nervous leading up to seeing her. I almost rescheduled the trip because the last time I had seen her we were having sex all the time. However the first time we slept together I faked orgasm. Ever since I faked orgasm it was an out for me. I didn’t have to have that horrible conversation with the woman and she’d still think that I climaxed. Anyways I finally told this girl about my ED on the trip. It was happening pretty frequently and it was embarrassing telling her about it. On my end, I was finally being honest with myself that I have a problem. I felt vulnerable and scared and she took it okay. She said that it didn’t matter if that happened but then she started drawing comparisons to woman that I had been with in the past. She would get a little angry and then get insecure herself because if I had gotten it up with these woman then why not her. I told her that the problem had got worse and my past relationship was with a woman that was bi-curious so she was asexual at the time. We did do some of the exercises together which was actually really helpful.

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Super anxious, discussing is possible but would probably be one of the hardest things to do. Im working on myself in private for now and there are improvements but i cant imagine telling her about all this. Its really really scary

I feel like I’m not going to be good enough for them. Just bringing up the fact there might be a problem immediately the inner critic starts and seems to be over before anything can even begin to happen

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It’s tough to discuss. At this point, she knows the situation, but the feeling of disappointing when it happens just sucks

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Ive noticed it happen to me for several years. Started with my last gf. I think its in my mind but not sure. I can get an erection while watching porn and sometimes when not but there seems to be a diconnect because I want her to like me so much. I took viagra and it helped me to not focus on it so much but Im trying to work it out on my own. She loved the sex. I told her that sometimes I had performance anxiety but she obviously said its nothing your great. She didnt know about the medication. We are in an open relationship which makes me more apprehensive to bring it up in its totality because maybe it wont be worth working it out. I love her and dont want to loose her. I will tell her. Its also a long distance relationship so Im worried that if I tell her it will make the problem ok and I will be less inclined to feel bad. I know this makes no sense. But it is like this. I only have several weeks with her every several months. She had a boyfreind before that had similar problems and said she was happy to be with a man that always is hard. Lol im in a cunundrum.

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Nervous to bring it up but also know that discussing it will probably lead to a sense of relief and take the pressure off.