What would you say to someone who has experienced erection issues for the first time?

It’s a normal part of life & that every man must encounter this problem at one point or another in his lifetime. Having this problem does not define you, but how you deal with the problem will. Face the issues head on and find out what your psychological barriers are. We must overcome the demons in our minds. Remember that you are a king!

You will get past it. Your life sex life isn’t ruined. You don’t need to catastrophize. You will have great sex again.

It happens and you’re not alone.

It happens to everyone, and I really mean that. It’s not something guys will often talk about and many won’t ever admit it, but it really does. Talk about it to people you trust and talk about it to your sexual partners. It’s not unusual and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Don’t keep it to your self or hide the issue as I have done for many years.
Address your lifestyle and and any anxieties that you may have.
Talk and seek help.

The first time does not need to reflect how every time will be. It’s okay to feel anxious, shy and stressed, particularly after hearing everything you heard from your partner’s previous sexual experiences. You’ll overcome this.

Don’t be hard on yourself and definitely don’t hold it in. Try to speak to others or your partner about it openly.

It happens to everybody, don’t worry about it

That is completely normal. We always wonder our mind sometimes when we have sex. Just erase that moment and start with new beginning and meditate. Meditation from mojo has really stopped me overthinking all the time.

Realizing you’re not alone. Changing the mindset to be positive and reshape your senses is key. I’m still working on this but I can feel that I will turn the corner soon

It’s normal. It’s okay. Take it in stride. You’re not alone.

This happens to everyone at some point, don’t sweat it. Talk about it, laugh about it. Don’t keep it a secret that is eating you up. Get back in touch with your own body and your own pleasure.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone here, it’s a common issue that can happen to any man. Realizing this one fact changed everything for me.

It is normal

Medication is not the answer unless you’ve been checked by a doctor to have blood flow problems. The anxiety of picking up that perception is not worth it

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It’s more common than you think and nothing to worry about. Only because it happened once doesn’t mean it’ll happen every time.

Happens to everyone. Just because it’s happened once doesn’t mean it’ll happen again, and even if it does you can’t be too hard on yourself. We’re all human and there’s a lot going on in life right now I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a lot more common than you think.

Experiment and try new things, don’t let naysayers or unsupportive folks get you down!

There are those of us out here rooting for you! Seek out supportive folks, we are often very excited to share what’s working for us and how we maintain, and continue to improve, as well as just listen :muscle:

And don’t be too hard on yourself, or partners that don’t get it — this is confusing for just about everyone I’ve talked to, regardless of sexuality or partners, it can be very disorienting & confusing.

Chill out about it. Don’t resort to pills, as all that does is creates its own Self fulfilling prophecy

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It’s totally normal and you’re not less of a man for having these issues happen. There is a way to get your mindset right and connect to your body and do something about it