What’s an expanded definition of sex you wish you could live by?

Sex is a representation and exploration of the intemedy between two people

Connecting with one another, worshipping, and giving each other pleasure

I want to unleash my predator side, and consenually manhandle my partner

Bringing all the toys out…
Touching and fondling my partner
Starting in a no pressure situation maybe feeding each other snacks and talking dirty and touching each other fully clothed

Engaging in physical intimacy with someone you’re attracted to. Exploring what it means for you to fulfill your desire while also fulfilling it for your partner.

Expression of love and warmth without stress.

Sex is pleasing my wife and making her feel sexy and loved. Connecting with her on a spiritual level. Having a good erection and feeling euphoric with her is a bonus.

Sex is intimate physical interaction that brings about intimate pleasure. It includes all of the kissing, licking, sucking, stroking, touching, squeezing, scratching etc etc all around the body but isn’t limited to including any or all of it.

Be able to relax. Everyone gets to feel pleasured as they would like. Go where you’d like mentally. Everyone who wants to orgasm gets to do so.

Sex is a personal connection and a way to strengthen your bond and make each other feel good.

Sex for me is a time to be close, connected and passionate with someone I love. Sometimes that is slow and sensual. Other times it is more physical and raw. But the main thing is that both partners are relaxed, engaged and happy in the moment

Deep connection and pleasure.

Wanting it more rough

Confidently pleasuring my partner and making them feel wonderful and allowing myself to feel power and pleasure myself.

The physical and emotional connection with my wife that beats any other connection.

I think sex for me is sharing agression and tenderness. Sometimes it’s nice to have one, but other times the other. I am working more towards understanding it being about the process as well, all the little bits, not just the end result.

Penetration with a hard dock and oral cum like on porn

Being treated like a cute thing and cuddled kissed with affection and passion. Being cared for and words of care and love.

Sex can
be light hearted and funny

Sex is a complete fusion of two people who respect and trust each other fully. It is a physical and emotional connection.