What’s an expanded definition of sex you wish you could live by?

Lot of passionate kissing, being a little kinky and a lot of sex

Willingness to both give and receive pleasure and just generally have fun. Enjoying dominating and submitting in sexual encounters. Penetrative sex can take place but isn’t essential for a good time.


Both partners being able to enjoy each other physically and pleasure each other in mutually beneficial ways. Not have to worry about “being gentlemanly or ladylike” and just getting down and dirty.

I want me and m girlfriend to feel good. That’s it. Simple.

I wish sex could be just pure connection and pleasure. No shame.

I wish sex were reassuring and joyful

Feeling close to my GF and making each other happy.

Feeling deeply connected to someone

Sex drives the fun in a relationship.

It’s play.

It’s fun, it’s experimental, it’s connecting

Connection and understanding

Where both people have fun and feel pleasure and connection, without feeling pressure or anxiety to perform.

Feeling good and actually having fun

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To have fun and mix things up, enjoying one another’s company and feeling you can be yourself

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Being intimate and experiencing pleasure with my partner

A feeling of want or desire for physical connection that leave both parties feeling satisfied and connected

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My definitions of sex have changed here and there. In college before I was married sex was more about power to me, how good I could be at sex, how many different women I could have sex with, and how well I did that they would brag, etc. now that I’m married, I still want a little bit of that old feeling of power, but with some connection and passion as well.

To be in the moment together

Sex is connecting in a sensual way. Where both receive pleasure and are engaged.

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