What’s an expanded definition of sex you wish you could live by?

Making someone have lots of pleasure and consider me as their source of happiness and satisfaction.

Feeling infinitely close to someone, just enjoying the absolute pleasure of someone’s body amd returning the same. Especially the one you love. That deep primal connection through physical pleasure.

A feeling of connection and intimacy that gives way to the potential of mutual pleasure

Sex is seeing her enjoy.

Performance and always pleasuring the woman and not taking into consideration myself and my pleasure. My pleasure is second.


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Having a connection, hugging, cuddling, kissing, caressing are all parts of pleasure in our sex.

hugging, talking, really hearing each other. emotional connection is what really turns me on

Teasing, flirting with each other, kissing, eye and skin contact.

Being desired as hell

Making her go wet as hell

Partners connecting to reach an orgasmic state together

It used to be all about my women banishing a white Russian from my Kremlin.

Haven’t had sex in 5 years. After reflection I guess it’s becoming one with your significant other. And pleasing them. Making them happy.

Sex is a moment that both parties has a deep connection and it is joyful, allows others to touch, feel, and enjoy. I believe sex and love should be exist in order to achieve greatest joy, pleasure and excitement.

The idea of being dominated is exciting

I want to rim her

Feeling and giving pleasure with your partner in a comfortable loving relationship

Freely giving and receiving pleasure regardless of being erect or not. Using hands, mouth, and other body parts to bump and grind.

Letting out the most raw version of yourself —what’s authentic, an opportunity to be what you recognize most yourself as. Not about fear, not about doubt, but about giving yourself the right to believe in that ideal version of you. Letting the pleasure come and go, letting the excitement go up and down, and always allowing yourself and your partner to come back to that safe place where you can both express your authentic self, even if that differs from what values you indulge in daily.

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Throwing away my rational brain and letting my instincts take over. Giving and receiving pleasure without any fear of judgement.