That watching to much porn stop would stop me from getting hard
That porn is “bad” / immoral . Even though I’m not religious or anything, I still feel guilty after watching. I don’t have that feeling as much with the mojo audio tho?
That porn is desensitizing me to actual sex and making the act of having sex with my girlfriend “boring”
That I can’t get hard without it because I am demonized to regular aex
That I should get and maintain a huge hard erection for our entire sex session.
That I should have a raging erection the entire time during sex
That I should always be hard as a rock, and want to have sex every day like some sort of pleasure machine.
That porn is an addiction
That porn is bad and will make you cum faster when you’re with a partner.
That porn is real (I.e. sex irl is supposed to play out the way it does in porn: should get hard on demand, last 20+ minutes, etc.)
I have issues with gettin and staying hard, watching porn and seeing people constantly hard definitely altered my view on staying hard