So, what sex myth do you struggle to let go of?

Does anything from this activity stand out?

That sex should last “all night long”

That if my partner is rock hard then I should be as well.

That I should be hard the second my dick comes out of my pants.


My dick should instantly get hard . Nd be ready . When ever i think of sex

Desendsitizes me

Going back to when I was a much younger man and having zero problems getting hard. That is what sticks in my head

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i should get hard quickly

Being immediately hard as soon as I start getting undressed

That watching porn didn’t cause my early climax

Porn desensitizes me

Desensitized me

Porn has stopped me from getting fully hard for ‘normal’ sex with my partner

Porn is directly responsible for arousal issues.

Porn makes it harder for me to get an erection during sex and to cum

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That all women want big, even huge, cocks and that average is therefore small or at best just mehhh

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Once my partner and I get together and I get hard, then I should remain hard for the entire sexual encounter.


Porn desensitized me to real life women

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Porn desensitizes me to real women. Wiring my brain to only get aroused for penetration and skip the foreplay

If I watch porn too often, I won’t be able to get erections as easily with my partners