What porn myth do you struggle to let go of?

Even though you know it’s BS?

That I need a partner with a perfectly fit body in order to get hard

That I need a rock hard cock and to have pounding heart racing. End it in a sweaty puddle of breathless sex to
Fully satisfy my partner. Eg. Penis in vagina sex always and vigorously.

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That sex has to be very passionate and exciting every time.

I used to think it pushed me in a weird direction sexually.

That I have to be rock hard every time no matter what. That I have to last for 20 minutes or more and be able to have sex in any position.

That I need to look good during sex, that I need to top my boyfriend hard and fast and up against a wall for him to be satisfied.
Also - the always ready bottom

That I need a massive dick to satisfy women. I am average and I’m sure most men are! I have been sleeping with someone recently who has stated she loves my dick. This app has helped me so much in the past month. I’m figuring out how to really use my dick/ body to pleasure her.

That there has to be cum to be fun

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That I need to stay rock hard from start to finish.

That I’m letting my partner down if I don’t finish during sex

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That porn is ruining my sex life

I had believed that watching porn caused me to be less desired by vanilla sex

Watching porn has trained my body to cum quick , it also has made it difficult to maintain erections in real life sex situations

That sex is at least the penis going into a hole. Rationally I know it’s not true, but it’s hard to shake that it’s not the gold standard activity.

Porn is not the source of the problem, but perhaps a symptom of something underlying for me. I am a guy with really low self esteem and I rely on porn a lot to feel connected to sex. It’s like it’s the closest I’ll get. I’ve been working to eliminate that and Mojo has helped a lot. It’s one step forward two steps back. But being aware of it is half the battle. Thanks Mojo

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Climax early

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That porn will desensitize me to real life sex.

Right now the biggest sex myth I’m trying to let go of is that you have to be erect any time you are going into sex. I almost put pressure on myself to be erect before I take my pants off, which is irrational for that to happen all the time. It is that expectation which fuels my anxiety going into sexual encounters

The myth I struggle to let go of is the idea that both people have to climax in every encounter and if one doesn’t it’s a failure on my part typically.

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