What porn myth do you struggle to let go of?

That no erection means I’m not turned on, and thus a failure

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If I watchbporn I don’t find ym girlfriend attractive.

Early climax

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The need to get hard on command or just immediately whenever things start to heat up


That I have to get hard soon, penetrate my partner cause if there’s penetration, it’s not sex.

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I struggle with the thought that I should be able to pound hard for a long time during sex and not cum too soon

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That I have to always be ready for sex, physically in terms of having an instant erection and psychologically in terms of switching into sex mode whenever the opportunity presents itself.

  1. Need to always be ready to go and be hard instantly 2. It’s failure without PIV or orgasm

As a man, I should be able to get hard erections quickly as soon as my partner and I start getting it on.

I need to always be hard. I need to cum. I need to penetrate. My partner and I both have to look good

I have to perform well and long enough until I make her cum

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That I have to be hard all the time to show that I’m enjoying things.


None at the moment…thanks to the learning sessions

That desire equals erection


I have to last at least 30 minutes of constantly pumping, and stay hard all the time


That I need to get hard instantly


That an orgasm is the ultimate goal of sex


Same, that i must be hard when the time comes… I am working that on the logic exercise.

That i should have an erection instantly as a sign of desire


If I’ve been using porn a lot I feel like it’s harder for me to get hard. I guess that’s the combo of the visual stimulus, the extra anxiety involved with partnered sex, and maybe my masturbation death grip.

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