What porn myth do you struggle to let go of?

Myth: some women are out of my league. I can easily get hard for someone I’m comfortable with or someone I’m half attracted to but the fear of blowing an opportunity with a particularly beautiful woman has caused me to fumble some of my best opportunities. My personal affirmation right now is “beautiful women want to have sex with me”. I’m not delusional and I know there’s limits but I am trying to internalize the fact that SOME DO and I need to have the confidence to know my self worth, know that I am desirable, and have the confidence that I will get hard and I don’t have to be anxious about whether I will get hard when a woman is particularly hot and interested in me.

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myth: my dick isn’t big enough when it’s hard so it needs to be hard straight away so the other person doesn’t see it and isn’t disappointed. i also think my dick isn’t thick enough. i need to realise that my dick is good enough, i am good enough

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That I should be in total control of my penis at all times and that I should be able to articulate exactly what makes me aroused.

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Porn makes expectations too high and real life sex can feel slightly underwhelming as I’m consumed by porn and taboo.

Feeling guilty after watching porn or naked pictures.


That I need to make it last 30 minutes and her to finish multiple times to feel like I performed well

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The stigma around porn that makes the man seem so crazy dominant and last forever and perform miracles with his Johnson. Just ain’t true

That I gotta be hard and ready to go at all times

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I need a rock hard penis for penetration and sustained sex. Also that I need to last for hours.

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I should last in multiple positions , and my orgasm should bring my partner pleasure.

I’m a less worthy man because of what types of porn turn me on.

That I should be hard at all times as and when I want

That I should have an erection as soon as we are showing an interest in sex and I should be able to last a long time with it

That I should be erect instantly, maybe even before I know I’m interested, and that I should remain hard through the entire time.

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I wonder if porn has made me addicted to watching it too much since I feel so much more relaxed and in control when watching it, in comparison to doing it with a partner

That I should hard as soon I pull my pants down and to maintain that erection for the duration of sex


I have been sober for almost 20 years. I’m thinking there is a correlation between that time period and the beginning of my erectile dysfunction. I’m thinking when I was at least buzzed I had an ability to be more relaxed. Now I’m full of anxiety

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One myth is that I should be erect minute my pants come down or else I start to think too much about it


I should be hard straight away and ready to go

all the porn ones, red pill culture ruined it for me