What do you think about during the Anxiety-busting meditation?

My mind wanders but the instructorā€™s voice brings me back. Itā€™s less negative thoughts and more random ones since Iā€™ve started. Itā€™s been only a few days but I feel calmer more relaxed and myself. I think itā€™s a combination of this platform, the feeling of not being the only one struggling with this and the calmness meditation does bring. Thank you for this, I really do need this.

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When I meditate, I find that my mind roams to random thoughts about work, errands I need to run, recent events in my life and sometimes some negative thoughts about my self confidence. I have meditated in the past and I have found that this helps me catch myself when I am going down the spiral of negative thoughts and emotions. I aim to make meditation a daily practice.

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Helps me loads. My issues are physical (reoccurring epiditimitis) to begin with but quickly and up in my head despite being married and in a supportive relationship.Getting out my head is key to breaking that negative cycle.Not out the woods yet but getting there

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Meditation is a great tool for my life and I look forward to using it to improve my sex life.

Meditation helps me to notice signals from my body that tell me I am focusing too much energy on negative/anxious thoughts. It has given me the tools to identify what my issues are and I know over time that I will be able to address these issues.

I must say i am enjoying meditation but my biggest problem staying awake. Every time the instructor is silent I start to fall asleep, then he wakes me with a fright when he speaks again :slightly_smiling_face:

I can only say that itā€™s helped me a lot. You truly do have to commit to it, but as someone who suffers from general anxiety in addition to sexual anxiety, itā€™s a revelation to be told to remember breathing and mantra to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed

The more times I do meditation exercises, the less I have thoughts creep in about erection issues. Today was the first time I didnā€™t think about it once during the meditation. How well that will translate into practice remains to be seen, but that still felt significant nonetheless.

Before joining here, Iā€™d only tried meditation a couple of times and always thought I was ā€œdoing it wrongā€ because I would fall asleep. I didnā€™t understand the point of it. But Mike Richards here has really changed that for me and opened my mind to the possibility of using as an intended resource or tool that can help me be more present and more in the moment, as well as help to re-focus back to a centered place when my mind wanders (which is all the time). So Iā€™m going to stick with itā€¦

Early stages but Iā€™m already finding that the time passes much more quickly now and I am able to stay focused for a longer period of time, so catiously optimistic that this is going to be a useful tool.

At the end was harder to keep my focus, on the meditation I had 3 negative thoughts and I was able to focus again on my breath and I gelt calm at the end

During meditation I find my mind wondering but not to the lack of erection but to the things that stress me right now. Not belong able to see my daughter for 2 years. My company - itā€™s funding. Mediation is helping with the sex my wife is enjoying it. Visualization has helped a lot, but the mediation itself has cleared my mind and that has created a higher mental sharpness and focus

My mind goes into things I have to do for the day or a bad experience with a girl or anything thatā€™s bothering me. I then try to keep focusing back on my breath

A longer meditation is definitely works for me. Iā€™ve noticed my mind wanders to past memories and questioning the importance of sex in my life. Quite disappointing or is it the real truth?

To my surprise, during that meditation I found myself thinking about memories unrelated to sex.

General things, but my mind did glance to how Iā€™d perform and harden at a sex party Iā€™m going to. I got some positive, but still an under tone of concern.

I tried to think of letting go of the negative/repetitive thoughts as if they were floating down a river.

It helps me relax and clear my head. It gives me confidence and structure to my own mind. Since Iā€™ve started meditating through Mojo, Iā€™ve found that I think a lot less negative thoughts and overall I just appreciate the positives more. It also helps me confront my own issues in a comfortable space and allows me to be open and honest with myself.

I have meditated on and off for years and really do notice the difference in day to day life. Iā€™ve only related it to ED problems since joining Mojo though, so itā€™s interesting to see if the same success will apply. Logic says it will! Iā€™m conscious of becoming anxious about ED even when meditating, so the more I can do that and educate my brain to realise thereā€™s no catastrophic situation, the better my anxiety levels will become

Iā€™ve meditated in past but never understood how to body scan and what is the idea behind it. Thanks to MOJO I understand it now and to me thi is the biggest discovery when it comes to meditation. Focusing on the sensation of any particular body part, feeling blood pulsing there, feeling blood going through the penis, being in the body and feeling it is amazing experience