Writing it down helped me highlight the issues that are actually causing my anxiety/conflicted thoughts.
Yes it makes my feelings more real
I learned that my inner critic is trying to “protect” my reputation but it ends up hindering me. I also recognized the moments when the inner critic is loudest. Or makes me the most anxious.
Stopping my thoughts to recognize my inner critic is a “real” person made a huge impact on my outlook on negative thoughts.
It helps me to understand what I’m feeling and why. Often during the moment it is hard to understand why things happen, but pausing to reflect gives insight into harmful thought patterns.
I’m not sure
Makes me be more honest with myself
Helps me understand where the anxiety and pressure to perform comes from.
Really helpful to pair the journaling with the visualization to really nail down the true feelings.
Today was helpful
It helps to identify the core issue I constantly face when trying to have sex.
It helps to identify the issues and feelings before sex
Getting these feelings out of my head makes a difference to me, it also makes me realise I’m just human, none of us are perfect but we can all try to be better and that’s what I’m here for
Writing things down helps me envision different scenarios and that it’s OK to like what I like. Not every guy wants a hawk tua experience. If I find it annoying and not enjoyable thats OK.
It helps tremendously. The process of writing about is helps me identify more specifically how my thoughts influence feeling anxious and doubtful
It makes me self aware of what is happening and being self aware makes it easier for me to overcome my doubts
I need to look out for myself, it made me aware that the problem lies in my own needs and not other people’s. It’s ok to be selfless and try to give your partner pleasure, but keep in mind that it is a shared experience and both deserve pleasure
I know the feelings are false, but they appear anyway. Writing it helps me recognise them
Unsure if it helps yet, but it’s interesting having it all in writing to analyze.
Writing it down makes me realize how silly I’m being