What did you learn about your inner critic's tactics?

It’s good to see the thought on paper and get them out of my head


Yeah it helps reinforce things

Writing towards these prompts was indeed helpful to explore my feelings in a new way.

Writing this all out made me realize that I have a good amount of work to do.

Me critic is just negative and doesn’t believe in myself. Writing all this down has helped me pinpoint where it affects me the most.

Writing it down and having it said back to me really highlights how much my inner critic controls my life, making me want to take action.

Its good to make sense of the things I have been experiencing and put them down in writing

ı have Performance anxiety and im insecure

It helped to write down what my inner critic is trying to get me to do and why it’s there

My inner critic is a planner, ahead of time it plans for me to fail and I instead need to plan for success and joy, to counteract the critic

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I didn’t really learn anything new today. I’m always hard on myself and beat myself up mentally about everything I do wrong. My whole life I’ve just been worried about doing what’s best for everyone else and not myself. When I do things wrong my inner critic sees myself as a negative energy to the world. Why can’t I do anything right? I know deep down I am great but that voice will never get out of my fucking head.

I’ve always been hard on myself and I need to remember that my wife loves me as much as I love her. Being able to recognise and categorise these thoughts is really helpful!

It’s hard to pin point what my inner critic is thinking. Makes come questions hard to answer

I’ve always been hard on myself and then randomly it occurred one turn and now it’s always been a thought in my mind

The inner critic is holding me back from enjoying the moment.

Yes I think y writing it down really helped me to visualize what is going on

Basically making me fear even attempting intimacy. Afraid that if I can’t perform it’s going to let my partner down and ruin the relationship.

Writing thinks down helped me understand my inner critic more, but I’m still concerned my inner critic may come back next time I go to have sex.

I think writing it down helped me understand what I was really dealing with and I think identifying that is the first step