What affirmations work for you?

Not blaming it for any problems and saying we are working on the issues together

You are doing great! Be in the moment! Enjoy the moment.

We’re in this together, and we want to make her feel good together. She wants us to work together.

We’re friends, I like you.

We’re a team, i know you never meant to embarrass me, i am here for you

No matter what you are part of me. We will get there

Recently I have been trying to think of my penis as just another part of my body; in the past I’ve treated as some foreign object whose demands are imposed on me. Instead I’m trying to imagine as if was my arm or a foot that I was concerned about: if my arm was hurting or wasn’t performing correctly, would I obsess so much over it? Maybe, if it was really debilitating – but I’d try to work around it and wait for it to recover.

We’re in it for the pleasure, merge with me and don’t worry.