My girlfriend and I tried having sex again. We were able to get me hard enough to try. She got on top and was able to get me in… didn’t last long. New thing is when we started I like couldn’t enjoy it. I didn’t think negative thoughts or inner critic. My mind went BLANK and 25 minutes later I went soft. You can see the frustration in her and she’s so supportive. So anyways, I bought like an electric penis pump. I am going to therapy and I’m trying this too! Just maybe it’ll help get me hard to try and it it’s able to do that consistently and I build confidence I’ll get there? Pray for me or send positive vibes.
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Whoops! 25 seconds not minutes I got soft.
Lol, 25 minutes would be crazy.
yea I dream of 25 minutes
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I’m praying bro, you got this