Thought mojo worked but only solo

I have tried mojo for about two weeks, after a few days I noticed I was getting morning wood every morning and I didnā€™t need porn to get rock hard. For me it was the box breathing and the controlling the self critic.

I thought I was ready for sex and started seeing someone and we ended up attempting sex and I thought I would be able to get rock hard after 2 weeks of mojo like I always would solo, but I didnā€™t. I couldnā€™t enjoy the moment I wasnā€™t even nervous, it was like I expected to stay soft and my mind was made, so I didnā€™t get hard. I then attempted again with her and I got an erection only because I had to really use my imagination but the sensation was nothing.
I try to get a condom and within 15 seconds I lose my erection and we couldnā€™t have sex.

I feel humiliated and I was so confident mojo would work because of the solo results but the same thing happened and now Iā€™m at my lowest, I know Iā€™ve only tried for 2 weeks and maybe thatā€™s not enough time but this has happened every time I tried sex and Iā€™m at my lowest, before it was depression then culture shock. But Iā€™m much happier now and still cannot get in the mood. Iā€™m 20 years old and I know I donā€™t have ED but this lack of arousal is tuning my confidence and my hope for finding a romantic partner. Iā€™ve never had a girlfriend and I always see people here confront their problems with their wives but I have nobody and have to rely on one night stands when they happen and the problem has stayed this way for a year.

I really need motivation guys, Iā€™m so tired of not being able to love the people I care, I honestly scared of dating itā€™s exhausting to have to pile school stress, social stress, and now whether I can ever keep a lover because of my erection anxiety? Itā€™s not a mentally healthy way to live. I think I need to have a ready stache of ED pills just so i have an emergency option

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Try focusing on your breathing and the sensations in the moment! Itā€™s hard to get an erection if you are not fully present in the moment because you are worried of what might happen, but believe me itā€™s possible to beat it!

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Progress is still progress. You are working at it. Donā€™t give up. You might not see it as a win, but youā€™ve gotten farther than you had at the start. Youā€™ve got this!

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ED pills arenā€™t a miracle drug. They help the blood flow to the penis but if anxiety causes a fight or flight response blood will still flow out of the penis. I struggle with the one night stand problem as well. The thing that works for me is when it seems like its going that way I explain that Iā€™m demisexual and I might not get hard because I need a strong emotional connection to feel sexual desire. This is true because even though I struggle with anxiety during sex, when I have a partner I feel comfortable wonā€™t judge me I tend to have better erections. Also, a one night stand doesnā€™t have to be sex but can still be fun. Making out, heavy petting, cuddling. I also ended up getting really good at giving oral because I will try to make my partner climax even if I canā€™tšŸ˜…. Not sure this is helpful but I hope there is something I shared that you can use in the future.

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Being 20 years old maybe you need just a push in confidence. Have you tried or know anything about peptides (PT 141). Look for info on the webā€¦ may be the push of confidence that you need working in conjuntion with the MOJO technic

Honestly, for young single guys, I wonder why seeing a high quality sex worker is still such a taboo thing. A high quality one will attend to your needs, and you may not cum, but youā€™ll likely have a lot of fun and begin to learn how to tune into your body more and becoming more sensitive to the sensations which is what itā€™s ALL about. Getting out our head is absolutely necessary in order to freely explore this amazing sensory playground.

Hey mate, sorry youā€™re going through this, I understand where you are coming from. Sex isnā€™t just penis in vagina, itā€™s other stuff too. Just communicate with your partner, enjoy it, do other things, go down on her - whatever, just enjoy each others intimate company.

Until bam, suddenly it will work just fine - especially at 20yo, donā€™t be so hard on yourself. Women arenā€™t wired the same way as us men mate.