The pressure is just too big

My girlfriend and enjoy threesomes with another woman. It’s used to be an amazing experience every single time and I get excited just by thinking about it.

Some time ago I’ve experienced erection problem during one of these nights and couldn’t do anything about it no matter how hard I tried.

Since then I’m dreading every time during foreplay when we are with someone else. Performance anxiety kicks in and my pulse starts going crazy just from thinking about it even now. It blocks me completely and there is no way to get over that.

Yesterday, we hooked up with insanely beautiful girl and as you probably can guess, it didn’t go very well which left me devastated and anxious for the whole day.

This really affects my self-esteem and the way I look at myself as a man at the moment… it’s slowly destroying me from the inside.

I never had this problem when I’m having sex just with my partner but whenever I need to take care of two girls at once my brain locks me up.

This is really depressing and I realized I need help.