Sexual Confidence

Just wanted to get some feedback, I’ve been with my partner for years and we’ve had great sex. I’ve always seems to have had issues with being present in the moment and confidence that created moments of inconsistencies; But we’ve managed to work through them. Earlier in the year she was on a certain type of birth control that lowered her libido and I had to adjust which meant I felt extremely anxious in pursuing her and it contributed to a lot of self doubt, erection issues and premature ejaculation. Fast forward to now, she has since stopped taking the meds and her libido is through the roof and I feel stuck. When we have sex now I’m too much in my head and end up having erection/premature ejaculation issues; and now feel like I’m a detriment to our sex life. I would really love some feedback if anyone has been here before and what steps were taken to resolve this issues. Thank you in advance to anyone that has some wise words for me!!


I hear you, that must be difficult. Have you tried the Mojo mediations on “Getting Out Of Your Head During Sex”?

These will help to bring you back to the present moment in the bedroom.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? Or have any useful tips?

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Reminds me of when I would get in my head about making my partner uncomfortable, especially while going in too fast :thinking:

I think I should probably try that getting out of head exercise as well, and really get in the moment :sweat_smile:

Plus there are other ways to offer pleasure that may get you excited as you work back up you know? That’s helped me in a couple of occasions — some oral excitement while I used my hand behind the scenes to get back into the game with my partner. Trying to take in every part of the experience while remaining comfortable so that discomfort also does not occupy the mind :thinking: