Sensate & wax and wane

I have to do both of these on one day… Seems a bit much?

Guess the programm does not take that into account

You can customize and just push one to the next day. Sensate feels a little odd and forced for me so I usually just replace with an additional wax wane :man_shrugging:

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Or you can basically do them at the same time…

Yeah I suppose so. Today i just did sensate first for 15ish minutes and than wax and wane.

Just took my time for it.

Yeah I can understand that.

But I understand the thought behind it, so try not to focus on it being a bit odd. I just try to enjoy the touch en really focus in on it. Trying to imagine it’s a woman doing it.

Also knowing it’s making me “beter” everytime i do it helps.

And when the inner critic tells you it’s odd… Just let you inner coach push him out :stuck_out_tongue:

Cause also, wax and wane is ofcourse very penis focussed. Sensate is really not. So I think both are important