Open relationship Chat!

I wanted to make a little chat where people can talk about what has and has not worked with open relationships, and when having sex with a partner and possibly a third or more, using these skills and techniques from this app to help conquer through the awkward moments and pressure to perform.

I think man to man sexual interactions can create fantasies prior to the act that are difficult to achieve. Thankfully, my communication with my partner is great, but sometimes when another person is added, navigating the desires, what that looks like, and the pressure of a role to play can make me overthink.


Great topic! If you check out my history of chats I’ve talked about this topic too. For you does “open” mean you only play together? I’m the opposite - we only play apart because I’d be too jealous seeing another man touch him lol. For us, our communication has improved after opening. We are very intentional about our intimacy together, and that benefits the strength of our relationship. From an ED perspective it’s been up and down for me, but all the open experiences have helped me appreciate that wax and wane is normal and healthy. I take cialis to help, and sometimes bremelanotide, but in the end I just listen to my body and accept what it tells me. I’m very aware of my inner critic and work to counter him in the moment. And I journal a lot when something bothers me sexually. I’m a ho so I have a lot to journal about haha. What’s your open experience like?

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We play together for the most part but at play parties we sometimes get separated. I do struggle with performance anxiety during these times but I am versatile so typically bottom in these situations which helps ease the anxiety. My issue is I really like to top and my desire would be to top as much or more than I bottom but I get so nervous that I actually shake uncontrollably even with breathing exercises. If I drink or smoke too much it is even worse, but then I just bottom and enjoy myself which seems like a cop out.

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My partner and I do the same. We try to set up a game plan if we are going to a party so there’s no crazy expectations.

I only bottom for my partner, so my issue can be when I’m at the parties and people (respectfully or not) get handsy to have me bottom, I’m completely turned off and have a hard time recovering. Usually my partner is a great failsafe and we can rely on each other but if we separate and he’s busy doing his thing then I’m usually twiddling my thumbs on the sideline lol.

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Good to know. I’m new to the app, so apologies for not scrolling!

That said, thank you for contributing to this one :slight_smile:

That’s good to hear that you’ve created a system for yourself and your partner! My partner and I started our relationship open, meaning we play with each other and without. So far it’s been great, because when we are having sex with each other there is an emotional connection with it where we both function the same when playing with others, and know that it is a fun, casual, physical desire. Only a few times has it become an issue between us.

I have more ED issues when playing without him, and rely too much on Viagra to be able to have fun. So I’m trying to not always fall to that as a crutch.

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