Masturbating simply to orgasm

So after reading some and thinking about my habits, I’ve realized that when I masturbate, I’m always just looking for a quick cum. I read about people having “sessions” that seem to last for a while and I just wonder what is being thought about? Like is it just building up to the orgasm? Is it just feeling the sensation throughout your whole body? What? Like I just think about getting there. I know I probably sound dumb and I’m 41 so I figure I should know by now. I’m well versed in the female body and how to please a woman, but I think I’m finding i don’t know much about what exactly I like because I always concentrate of my woman (which is now just my wife)

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There are some courses on this exact thing around phase 3 or 4 I think, and avoiding the “death grip” when jerking off


Yeah me too I realized. Actually even sex with partner had got somewhat goal oriented ie cum each quick.

I found the mojo solo sensate and directed masturbation and wax n wane sessions have changed my masturbation habits - yes it’s about extended self foreplay basically - touching your body everywhere and focus on that and relax into it, tease your cock and balls (or whatever you want to do) and build yourself up - tease yourself to be really hard ( or whatever you want) - and using your mind to fantasize or focus on you and your sensations . Taking it slowly or vary what you do and genuinely play with yourself and explore.

This needs a “session” - a comfortable amount of time and a place.

I discovered new erotic zones for me.

This is on contrast to say a porn induced erection and a quick jack off using tried and true speed and pressures.

For me the slow extended session is so much better I don’t even want to watch porn now say - except the occasional stress induced urgent need to cum episode.

But yes you need some time and privacy to do this way.

Building this approach to my partner is a work in progress!


I feel this so much, and life with kids and less time to myself makes it even more so.

Really hard work to reverse it, but I’m trying

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Thanks so much for the reply. Luckily my wife is very supportive. I’m currently working on mixing porn all together and I feel this is also what’s brought on my self neglect. I’m definitely interested in the things you mentioned that have helped you and will now be looking to see where I can locate said “exercises”

You got this!

I cum too quickly 1 to 4 minutes it’s embarrassing

This is stuff I think about every day and I am glad to know that I am not alone I also struggle with this and I am also mentally exhausted because of religious views as well and I hope I can or if I will ever get through this one day :confused:

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They each came up in my task list as I worked through the phases.

However I have seen people talk about”l “ exercises” that have not come up in my task list ( penis root masturbation and start stop to name a couple) I think tasks may depend on the responses to the initial questions when you sign up -and I haven’t seen a bank of exercises other than the ones that have already been assigned to me.

@ Mojo Team - is there a bank of all exercises for people to explore?

Don’t be embarrassed. There’s ways to work through that

I’m also very “religious”. I’m a devoted Christian but beside that it can still be a huge challenge. I’m actually working to break my porn addiction :pensive:. Luckily I have a very supportive wife

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:confused: I feel this on a deep level and I don’t know how to get through it :sleepy: I hate being this way but I am always finding myself falling back into this and then repenting and the cycle repeats I try to do better but I have doubts everyday sorry if this is extra but it’s also relatable to me :sob:

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