Initiating less than partner

Does anybody find themselves in a situation where their partner has a higher sex drive and is more sexually confident than you? I think that if I had
less mental blockers, then I would have the confidence to initiate. I feel guilty that I can’t come on strong and confident to my partner and make her feel wanted in the way that I want her to feel wanted. I know i’m attracted to her and when she puts in a lot of effort to initiate sex sometimes I can feel like i’m restricting myself and making it difficult to have sex, but its hard to snap out of it and enjoy what i am seeing. Any thoughts?

This is going to sound (and be) really tough but you need to just let yourself go man, I’ve felt the same way for years but Saturday morning my wife asked me to cuddle (no sex expected) and I just let myself go and initiate, it felt so good to just let the animal in me out and she loved it. The same thing happened last night for me too, I just let myself go and we had sex again, we haven’t had sex twice one day after another in years.

Honestly, just give it a try and initiate, the thing with libido (and initiating) is if you don’t use it you lose it, and the longer it goes on, the more awkward and alien it feels to do it in the first place and you end up getting stuck in this rut where neither one of you wants to make the first move because you don’t know where to go next.

Funnily enough though, once you initiate by playfully getting on top of her or undressing her, you’ll find that something just comes over you and you just do things without conscious thinking.


Thanks man. It can feel alien awkward but that’s probably because I don’t do it often