I want to stop masturbating

im really struggling with this and i domt really know how to stop and i get tempted from the most littlest things ever i just want to stop but how?

The question is, why do you want to stop? Whats prohibiting you from that?

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I think that the healthiest thing is to think about how you’re masturbating and think about taking your time and not doing the same routine every time. I’m very conscious now that before I was masturbating almost like a chore, something I had to do before bed. It was super fast, get some porn, cum, done. And that’s probably one of the reasons for struggling to get hard during sex, because the brain lost a lot of the connections between pleasure and sex. Since starting Mojo I stopped watching porn and I’m still masturbating, but using my imagination and doing some of the things I’ve learned thus far. And I must say that I feel better orgasms. I haven’t had sex yet, will soon, as I’m visiting my girlfriend next week, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I feel I have learned a lot about myself, my pleasure, about relaxing, and other things. So, masturbate away, but maybe do it more consciously.


I agree with and have had similar experience to compatible-purple-squid.

I have found, after a period of this more satisfying masturbation, I now want to do it less often but in this new way. What I was doing before was meeting some other need - boredom, stress, chore whatever - but quality is better than quantity (i guess unless you can do both!).

If you have feelings of guilt or shame around masturbation you may need to dig into that further.

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Please do share your experience with your gf. Would like to know how it went and what were your thoughts

I echo what’s been said here. I used to masturbate 4-5 times per week, out of habit more than seeking or needing some pleasure or release. I always did it the same way, stood up in the shower, and didn’t take my time over it, the goal was always the end goal (orgasm) not the journey.

When I masturbated to porn it would usually be because I started watching porn for whatever reason, like boredom, and then I’d masturbate because I was hard. Instead of starting to masturbate because I wanted to experience the pleasure, and then watch porn to compliment that.

Now I don’t watch porn at all, I masturbate probably only once a week, and I only masturbate when I want to experience pleasure and release, I purposely don’t masturbate when I’m just feeling bored or for any other reason, like feeling down or anxious or stressed.

It’s now become this thing I look forward to, i take my time, I use lube, I do it sitting or lying down instead of standing up in the shower which allows me to focus more, and I enjoy the journey far more, focusing on all the sensations and not just focusing on getting to the end. And the orgasm is so much better!

So I don’t think stopping masturbating is the key, it’s HOW and WHY you do it. And avoid porn!


Like any other compulsion or addiction, simply realizing that it’s a problem and it’s uncontrollable is the first step to addressing it. I know this may not work for everyone, but just the simple recognition of the problem helps to slow down the urges for me. And if I still feel the compulsion, I remind myself that I don’t actually need it. It doesn’t serve an actual purpose if I’m doing it constantly - there’s no legitimate release or fulfillment, just going through the motions. Apart from that, I try to fill my schedule with things that keep me busier because it prevents idle time, which is a huge trigger for me. Best of luck, friend!