I had difficulty in my previous relationship with my boyfriend. We were long distance majority of the time. I would watch porn to satisfy my sexual needs. However it came to a point where I was watching too much porn. Recently I discovered when ever I would cum, it wasn’t as intense or enjoyable. This past week I have paused my masterbation. I became horny and had urged to masterbate. I would watch porn but would stop myself.
I downloaded Mojo to give me more sexual confidence and help me rely less on porn. Some things that helped me where the information video on porn addictions and considerations. The other thing that helped and was really enjoyable was the sex stories provided.
Today I masterbated after a week to the sex stories. It was hot and I was also applying the breathing techniques learned. I had the most intense and biggest cumshot ever. Best part is I didn’t have to watch porn. I felt good and proud of myself.